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Phần thiết kế mô hình nâng cao hướng dẫn bạn cách sử dụng Multibody Solid, tính năng sweeping, lofting, và khả năng trình diễn hình tiên tiến hơn của SolidWorks. 

 Thời gian: 2.5 ngày

Điều kiện tham gia: Đã học SolidWorks Essentials

Mô tả: Phần thiết kế mô hình nâng cao hướng dẫn bạn cách sử dụng Multibody Solid, tính năng sweeping, lofting, và khả năng trình diễn hình tiên tiến hơn của SolidWorks


Các phần trong bài này bao gồm:

Lesson 1: Multibody Solids: How They Work 
Multibody Solids 
Multibody Techniques
Introducing: Solid Bodies Folder
Feature Scope
Patterning Bodies
Tool Body
Introducing: Insert Part
Introducing: Move/Copy Bodies
Combining Bodies
Introducing: Combine

Lesson 2: Uses of Multibody Solids 
Common Bodies 
Indent Feature
Introducing: Delete Body
Local Operations
Using Cut to Create Multibodies
Saving Solid Bodies as Parts and Assemblies
Introducing: Insert into New Part
Introducing: Save Bodies
Splitting a Part into Multibodies
Introducing: Split
Creating an Assembly
Using Split Part with Legacy Data
Modeling for Rapid Tooling

Lesson 3: Sketching with Splines 
Sketching Splines 
Introducing: Spline
Introducing: Show Curvature Combs
Sketch Picture

Lesson 4: Introduction to Sweeping 
Case Study: Faux Raised Panel Door
Sweep with Guide Curves
Case Study: Bottle
Sweep with Guide Curves
Dome Feature
Introducing: SelectionManager

Lesson 5: Working with Curves 
            Case Study: Modeling a Spring 
Sweeping Along a 3D Path
3D Sketching
Introducing: Helix and Spiral
Introducing: Projected Curve
Introducing: Composite Curve
Introducing: Fit Spline
Applying the Label to the Bottle
Modeling Threads
Case Study: Creating a Curve Through a Set of Points
Sketch Blocks
Equation Driven Curves
Introducing: Split Line

Lesson 6: Advanced Sweeping 
            Orientation and Twist Control 
Align with End Faces
Sweeping Along Model Edges
Sweeping a Tool Body

Lesson 7: Boundary Feature and Lofting 
Why Lofts and Boundary Features? 
How Lofting and Boundary Work
Boundary Feature vs Loft
Introducing: Boundary Feature
Using Derived and Copied Sketches
Copying a Sketch
Derived Sketches
Introducing: Insert Derived Sketch
2-Direction Boundary Feature
Layout Sketches
Centerline Lofting
Introducing: Split Entities
Cleaning Up a Model
Introducing: Delete Face
Introducing: Deviation Analysis

Lesson 8: Other Advanced Tools 
Advanced Fillets 
Analyzing Geometry
Introducing: Display Curvature
Intersection Curves
Zebra Stripes
Wrap Feature
Deform Feature
Introducing: Knit Surface
Move Face and Delete Face
Introducing: Move Face
Performance Considerations


SolidWorks Technical Team

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